Christine M. Piotrowski



You probably learned interior design business practices from Christine's books. Order the latest editions of her award winning books from, your local bookstore, or on-line book sellers.
All books published by John Wiley & Sons,

Professional Practice for Interior Designers

Professional Practice for Interior Designers. 4th edition.
ISBN # 978-0-471-76086-3.

Since publication of the first edition in 1990, this book has remained the leading choice for educators as well as professionals seeking to advance in their own practices. You gain all the essential skills needed for planning and maintaining a thriving interior design business, presented in a clear, easy-to-follow style. Features a companion CD-ROM disc of business forms and ancillary information. It is also a key reference for the NCIDQ examination.


Problem Solving & Critical Thinking for Designers

Problem Solving and Critical Thinking for Designers.
ISBN #: 978-0-470-53671-1 (recently published)

The interior design profession requires effective problem solving and critical thinking, as they impact all phases of the design project and most work activities of the interior designer. Improving problem solving and critical thinking skills makes you a more sought-after employee and designer, effective business owner, and fulfilled individual. Topics include: communications, decision making process, negotiation, ethical decision making.


Becoming an Interior Designer

Becoming an Interior Designer. 2nd edition.
ISBN #: 978-0-470-11423-0.

Interior design is much more than selecting colors and arranging furniture.Today's interior designer is a multifaceted professional, with expertise in building and safety codes, project management, issues concerning the design for seniors and sustainable design, and other areas important to professional work today. This lavishly illustrated book with project photos from over 75 interior designers serves as a complete guide to today’s interior design career.

The first edition of this book was translated into Chinese in 2009.


Designing Commercial Interiors

Designing Commercial Interiors. 2nd edition. Co-author, Elizabeth A. Rogers.
ISBN # 978-0-471-72349-3.

After receiving the ASID/Polsky Prize Honorable mention for the first edition, the authors extensively revised this guide to planning and designing commercial interiors to help professionals and design students successfully address today’s trends and project requirements. This is a comprehensive text and includes chapters on a variety of facilities: offices, lodging, food and beverage, retail, healthcare, senior living, institutional and cultural and recreational facilities. This book is also listed on the NCIDQ reference list.


Interior Design Management

Interior Design Management.
ISBN: 0-471-28431-9.

Written for seasoned interior designers, this book covers the nuts-and-bolts issues and skills that interior designers must master. It provides valuable information on: being your own boss, the basics of management and planning, basic financial management for interior designers, fees and pricing information, design contracts, project management and extensive information on employee management.


© Copyright Christine M. Piotrowski, 2011 & Beyond. All Rights Reserved.